Hi! I just came back from my first day of school! Besides getting lost a couple of times and getting to class out of breath, it was a pretty good first day. Well, that and my picture. Our first day of school is also picture day. *shiver* I swear that the women who run the picture area are trying to take as many bad pictures of us kids as they can. This is how it went for my picture. "That's right. Now stand on that line of tape right there and smile big. Now turn your head to the side. The other side. No wait, turn it back to were it was. Now tilt your head up, sweetie."
"Are you-"
Yes, she really did take the picture while I was talking. It looked as if I had a bad toothache and was trying to show her. "Aw, you look so cute! *chuckle chuckle*" Says the picture lady.
But yes, other than that, it was good to be back at school.
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